Editing Tips and Tutorials

Give your photos the tender loving aftercare they deserve with step-by-step editing tips and tutorials.

How to Best Edit Your Photos in Lightroom

How to Best Edit Your Photos in Lightroom

In the previous Lightroom photography tutorial, I walked you through the very important process of importing and selecting your files. If all is well by now you have a couple of pics selected that you wanna edit. In this Lightroom tutorial, I’m gonna show you how to edit photos in the Develop Module in Adobe Lightroom. Let’s first talk about why editing your photos is super important………..

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How to Create the Perfect Black and White Photos in Snapseed

How to Create the Perfect Black and White Photos in Snapseed

What is it about Black and White Photography that makes it sort of indestructible? It is as old as photography and although photography has been through many changes and developments Black and White Photography is still here. And it will never go away. By taking away color somehow the underlying qualities emerge. It stirs a feeling of timelessness and emphasizes the things we share over time and place.

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Snapseed Tutorial: How to Edit WOW Photos on Your Phone

Snapseed Tutorial: How to Edit WOW Photos on Your Phone

Last year I made an amazing journey sailing from Colombia to Portugal on the Nomad Cruise. On the way, we made one stop on Saint Maarten Island in the Caribbean. The island itself is not the most interesting place but I did want to go to the beach where the planes fly over. I’m always trying to take photos of this kind of touristic hotspots a little bit different.

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The Latest Photography Tips & Tutorials

Beginner Photography Tips

Beginner Photography Tips

Beginner Photography Tips

Storytelling Photography Tips

Beginner Photography Tips

Slow Photography Inspiration

Beginner Photography Tips

Editing Tips & Tutorials

Recommended Resources

natural light photography, available light photography, photography with natural light, photography natural light, outdoor natural light photography tips, natural light photos | Photo: Amalfi Coast, Italy | Copyright Karin van Mierlo | Photography Playground

free ebook

Starter Photography Playbook

Finally, move away from automatic mode and become friends with your camera. In this ebook you’ll learn to shoot in program mode and start to practice with fun photogaphy projects.

one-to-one mentoring

Personal Programs For A Deep Dive

This learning path is for you if you want a tailor-made program that aligns with where you are in your photography journey today.

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one-to-one mentoring

Personal Programs For A Deep Dive

This learning path is for you if you want a tailor-made program that aligns with where you are in your photography journey today.