Mental Health Benefits of Photography Note by Karin van Mierlo on the updated version. This article was first...
Mindful Photography
Splendid Tree Photography | 10 Inspiring Tips & Ideas
Tree Photography Trees are wonderful subjects and often combine time spend in nature with photography, making it a...
4 Ways to Creatively Embrace the Blur in Photography
Guest blogger Stacey Hill encourages you to embrace the blur in photography. When asked why I enjoy photography, my reply is always “It’s the perfect blend of technology and art.” For those who want to geek out about focal lengths, f-stops, and the other technical aspects, photography has plenty of space for that. However, if you want to explore more creative ways to use your camera, then there are lots of ways to do that.
5 Simple Mindful Photography Tips to Be Present in the Now
Mindfulness is about slowing down, being fully present in the moment, and receiving that moment. The exact same words apply to the process of making photographs. For me, to photograph is to be fully present in the moment. Because when I photograph nothing else enters my mind. I’m in a state of flow where worries, the past, and the future have disappeared.