Photography Inspiration

4 Ways to Creatively Embrace the Blur in Photography

4 Ways to Creatively Embrace the Blur in Photography

Guest blogger Stacey Hill encourages you to embrace the blur in photography. When asked why I enjoy photography, my reply is always “It’s the perfect blend of technology and art.” For those who want to geek out about focal lengths, f-stops, and the other technical aspects, photography has plenty of space for that.  However, if you want to explore more creative ways to use your camera, then there are lots of ways to do that.

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5 Simple Mindful Photography Tips to Be Present in the Now

5 Simple Mindful Photography Tips to Be Present in the Now

Mindfulness is about slowing down, being fully present in the moment, and receiving that moment. The exact same words apply to the process of making photographs. For me, to photograph is to be fully present in the moment. Because when I photograph nothing else enters my mind. I’m in a state of flow where worries, the past, and the future have disappeared.

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7 Fantastic At Home Photography Ideas to Ignite Your Creativity

7 Fantastic At Home Photography Ideas to Ignite Your Creativity

I’ve compiled a list of 7 at home photography ideas designed to honor the mindful nature of the photographic process. All photo projects have one ingredient in common. They revolve around the art of seeing and will, therefore, develop your observation skills. Examining your outside and inside world allows you to get into that much-desired mindful state.

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My 15 Favorite Photography Quotes from Master Photographers

My 15 Favorite Photography Quotes from Master Photographers

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But sometimes we need words to give expression to what we think and feel around a single photograph or photography in its entirety. So I actually feel that pictures and words go hand in hand most of the time. When we see a photo there’s an infinite number of reactions to that single image. We need words to articulate our reaction.

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Nature Encourages Me To Click

Nature Encourages Me To Click

This month’s blog takes us into the wonderful world of India. More specifically, to a little village next to the Mahanadi River, called Athmallik. This magical village is the source of inspiration and encouragement for Arpita to document the mesmerizing world around her. Arpita´s home town is surrounded by hills, deep forests, and water. “I have been surrounded and inspired by this since my childhood.”……

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Are You Taking Or Are You Making?

Are You Taking Or Are You Making?

So, a funny thing happens every time I write about photography which is like on a daily basis. I make it a point to write Make Photographs and not Take Photographs because well, that’s what it actually is. A photo is made. But the spelling checker on my laptop keeps highlighting the word Make wanting me to correct it to Take. It annoys me because it’s wrong on so many levels and I always ignore the suggestion.

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Come A Little Bit Closer…..

Come A Little Bit Closer…..

Photography Quotes to Inspire and Delight, a monthly series on Photography Playground. This month’s quote is by Robert Capa: “If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.” I’ve always believed this is true for the actual physical closeness to your subject. But there’s also a deeper level to his words. It’s about the connections you make with the people and the places you photograph.

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Photography Fulfills Me

Photography Fulfills Me

In our monthly blog about Obsessions & Fascinations Philine Bernard shares her fascination for nature, traveling and the outdoors. When she grabs her camera she can just shoot for hours. Photographing never bores her and she can lose herself in the moment completely. This creates calmness for her and she gets in a different headspace altogether.

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