Photography Quotes

My 15 Favorite Photography Quotes from Master Photographers

My 15 Favorite Photography Quotes from Master Photographers

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But sometimes we need words to give expression to what we think and feel around a single photograph or photography in its entirety. So I actually feel that pictures and words go hand in hand most of the time. When we see a photo there’s an infinite number of reactions to that single image. We need words to articulate our reaction.

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Are You Taking Or Are You Making?

Are You Taking Or Are You Making?

So, a funny thing happens every time I write about photography which is like on a daily basis. I make it a point to write Make Photographs and not Take Photographs because well, that’s what it actually is. A photo is made. But the spelling checker on my laptop keeps highlighting the word Make wanting me to correct it to Take. It annoys me because it’s wrong on so many levels and I always ignore the suggestion.

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Come A Little Bit Closer…..

Come A Little Bit Closer…..

Photography Quotes to Inspire and Delight, a monthly series on Photography Playground. This month’s quote is by Robert Capa: “If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.” I’ve always believed this is true for the actual physical closeness to your subject. But there’s also a deeper level to his words. It’s about the connections you make with the people and the places you photograph.

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How To Nurture Your Creativity Back To Life

How To Nurture Your Creativity Back To Life

This month’s quote is not by a photographer but by a writer. Oddly enough I never read anything by Maya Angelou but this quote has always had a special place in my heart. Because it’s so profoundly true. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” The other day I was teaching a photography workshop with a deep focus on creativity. We talked about our relationship with creativity, memories ……

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Shoot a Little Less, Think a Little More

Shoot a Little Less, Think a Little More

Photography Quotes to Inspire and Delight, a monthly series on Photography Playground. This month’s quote is by Henri Cartier-Bresson and is a shout out to think before you shoot. “We must avoid, however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole.”

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Do You Think We See The Same?

Do You Think We See The Same?

Photography Quotes to Inspire and Delight, a monthly series on the Photography Playground. This months photography quote is by the American landscape photographer Ansel Adams. “A Good Photograph is Knowing Where to Stand.” There are many moving parts when you’re making a photograph. And one of them is your point of view, the place where you stand.

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Shoot What You Love, Love What You Shoot

Shoot What You Love, Love What You Shoot

Photography Quotes to Inspire and Delight, a monthly series on the Photography Playground. This months photography quote is by Burk Uzzle: “Photography is a Love Affair with Life.” There’s no other medium that’s so intricate and detailed in showing us the wonder of being human and alive on this planet. At its best, photography touches and connects us on a deeply human level.

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The Most Powerful Tool in a Photographer’s Toolbox

The Most Powerful Tool in a Photographer’s Toolbox

Photography Quotes to Inspire and Delight, a monthly series on the Photography Playground. I choose the quote for this month because it’s a belief that’s infused in my photographic blood. It’s the basis of everything I share and teach at the Photography Playground. “A camera didn’t make a great picture any more than a typewriter wrote a great novel.” by Peter Adams.

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